Claire Lajaunie selected to be a member of the Eklipse Expert Working Group on Biodiversity and Pandemics

Hub researcher, Claire Lajaunie, has been selected to be a member of the Eklipse Expert Working Group (EWG) on Biodiversity and Pandemics that aims to support the development of a strategic research agenda on biodiversity and pandemics, jointly with relevant agencies and initiatives, and aligned with relevant sectoral policy agendas.
The Expert Working Group ‘builds on existing relevant work on research agendas and knowledge gap analysis, identifying interdisciplinary research and action priorities, that contribute to a strategic research agenda on biodiversity and pandemics addressing the critical interlinkages between relevant sectors needed to make future actions more effective’ (Call for Experts No.11/2022).
Eklipse was created in 2016 to help governments, institutions, businesses, and NGOs make better-informed decisions when it comes to biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe.
Claire investigates the inter-linkages between biodiversity and health and their evolution due to global changes through the study on Global Environmental Law, governance and the associated ethical issues. She is working for the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research at the LPED – Population-Environment-Development Laboratory in Marseille, France. She is also Affiliate Researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance.