News and Blogs

The hub has pooled all publications into a handy catalogue
The One Ocean Hub has published a catalogue of all our publications – have a look at the full range of our research spanning marine and social sciences, law and arts, including inter- and transdisciplinary research.
Things to consider before deciding to do participatory research
Before adopting participatory methods for research, it is essential to assess whether you, and your co-researchers, have sufficient time and resources (funding) to ensure genuine collaboration. Reflect on whether the engagement is truly participatory or risks creating an “illusion of inclusion.” Involving community members should avoid research fatigue and not feel obligatory, particularly where cultural […]
Climate COP29: Insights and Disappointments
The Baku Climate Change Conference (11-22 November 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan) has raised serious doubts about the viability of the UN Climate Summits to meaningfully advance climate mitigation to ensure a safe climate. It has also been unable to provide the finance that is needed, both in quantity and modalities, to ensure the protection of human […]
Further exploring the Links between Cultural Heritage and Human Rights
The One Ocean Hub joins the University of Strathclyde and the Heritage International Institute in leading discussions about the link between heritage and human rights ahead of Human Rights Day! On the 5 and 6 of December 2024, Hub researchers presented research findings that underscore the connection between the ocean, heritage and human rights at […]
Human rights and the ocean at the UN Biodiversity COP 16 in Cali, Colombia
This year’s UN Summit on Biodiversity (COP 16) adopted critical decisions on the need to respect the human rights of Indigenous peoples, local communities, Afro-descendant communities and ocean defenders. One Ocean Hub Deputy Director, Dr. Philile Mbatha, and Hub Director, Professor Elisa Morgera, in her capacity as the UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights, […]
New e-course on Art and Ocean Governance launched on the UN CC: Learn platform
We are thrilled to announce that a brand new, certified e-course, Art and The Stewardship of the Ocean, developed by the One Ocean Hub in collaboration with United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), has just been launched on the UN CC: Learn platform. The e-course explores the transformative potential of art on the […]
new learning pathway on one ocean learn: Thinking with Islands
A brand new Learning Pathway has been launched this month on One Ocean Learn: Thinking with Islands. Islands are places and spaces of wonder, each unique in their own right. The uniqueness they foster, from endemism of species to idiosyncrasies in human cultures, is also often shaped by their exposure to weather extremes. This means, […]
new learning pathway on one ocean learn: Art, Ocean, and Decision Making
A second new Learning Pathway launches this month on One Ocean Learn, exploring the links between art, the ocean, and humankind – with a focus on the transformative role that art can play in informing the way we think about, steward and govern the ocean. One of the focal points of this Learning Pathway is […]
Discussing Inter-disciplinary Ocean Science at the Marine Conservation Congress
How much progress have we made in engaging Indigenous peoples and local knowledge holders within marine conservation? The 7th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC7: 13-18 October 2024, Cape Town, South Africa) brought together a network of over 800 participants including scientists, academics, students, conservationists, environmental NGOs, policymakers, and community leaders to discuss interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches […]