Hub early-career researchers shortlisted in the ‘Heroes’ category of the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards

The inter-disciplinary team of 37 Hub early-career researchers (ECRs) are recognised for their efforts in ‘working on ground-breaking and innovative approaches towards the goal of inclusive and equitable ocean governance, whereby people and the environment can flourish.’

“The Hub’s ECRs combine passion and creativity with academic rigour in their research, using innovative participatory methods that often transcend disciplines. The ECRs are now leading integration efforts across the Hub, to ensure better understanding of our transferable findings and methods across academic disciplines” Hub Director Elisa Morgera (University of Strathclyde, UK) says.

Screenshot from the website - The Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards 2024 (brought to you by Interface)

The team uses expertise in fields including environmental and human rights law, marine biology social sciences, environmental humanities, arts and history. 

“It is a great pleasure to hear that the Hub’s ECRs were nominated for the Scottish KE heroes award. Our ECRs are a diverse team coming from South Africa, Namibia, Ghana, the Caribbean, Scotland and further across the UK and working in a range of disciplines from deep sea research to marine social sciences, art, and humanities. I could not imagine better champions for Hub’s vision and mission of fair and inclusive decision-making for a healthy ocean whereby people and planet flourish. They combine passion and creativity with academic rigour and in their research, they use innovative participatory methods that often transcend disciplines. They collaborate with the local coastal communities, co-creating research and artwork with the people who rely on the ocean the most”, Hub Director Elisa Morgera adds.

Hub early-career researchers were finalists in the Knowledge Exchange Heroes category also in 2022.

The ECRs were shortlisted for their central role in influencing international and national action to improve the protection of the human rights of small-scale fishers in ocean-related decision-making, by working with the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.