Impact of mangrove selective deforestation on estuarine benthic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in Ghana

“Mangroves are marine vascular plants with unique adaptations to brackish conditions and tidal incursions. The term ‘mangrove’ can refer to individual halophytic trees and shrubs that grow within the intertidal zone, as well as the entire ecosystem made up by these species. Existing in the intertidal zone, these forests support elements of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as well as having distinct ecological characteristics of their own (Alongi., 2009). However, their positioning along coastlines also exposes mangroves to exploitation and degradation from anthropogenic activities, resulting in them being threatened throughout most of their range (Friess et al., 2021; Polidoro et al., 2010). Their range is primarily in the tropics (Figure 1), with the region of West Africa account for 11% of the global mangrove area (UNEP, 2007)…”
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