Ecological considerations for marine spatial management in deep-water Tanzania
“The United Republic of Tanzania has jurisdiction over a large marine area (223,000 km2) of which over 92% is deeper than 200 m. These deep areas extend from, in most cases <10 km from shore, have connections to shallow and coastal marine habitats through oceanographic processes, and support important living and non-living resources, which are becoming increasingly exploited to support […]
The Relevance of the Human Right to Science…
“The Relevance of the Human Right to Science for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: A New Legally Binding Instrument to Support Co-production of Ocean Knowledge across Scales” in V De Lucia, L Nguyen and A Oude Elferink (eds), International Law and Marine Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: Current […]
Including the Khoisan for a more inclusive Blue Economy in South Africa
“This article proposes that including the Khoisan will produce a more inclusive Blue Economy in South Africa. Presently, economistic perspectives of the ocean, low regard for knowledge pluralism and historical stereotyping of Khoisan peoples, risk their further exclusion from ocean management in South Africa. Drawing on secondary data on Khoisan history and ethnography in South […]
Transformative Governance for Ocean Biodiversity
This Chapter analyzes the major underlying causes of marine biodiversity loss and focuses specifically on the lessons learnt for transformative ocean governance in the context of area-based management and spatial planning. It illustrates the broad recognition of the vital need for integrative, anticipatory, adaptive and inclusive governance of ocean biodiversity. Fundamentally, however, the Chapter underscores […]
Shedding a Light on the Human Rights of Small-scale Fishers: Complementarities and Contrasts between the UN Declaration on Peasants’ Rights and the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines
in Brunori et al, Commentary on the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (Routledge, forth 2021) The UN Declaration on Peasants’ Rights (UNDROP) underscores the need for a coherent interpretation and application of existing international human rights to the specific context of small-scale fisheries (SSF), including small-scale marine and continental capture fishing, small-scale aquaculture, related […]
A Cursory Look at the Fishmeal/Oil Industry From an Ecosystem Perspective
“By supporting the fishmeal industry, are we competing with marine predators? Should we be taking away food from marine predators to subsidize agriculture? If not for human consumption, should forage fish be left in the sea for predators? Are there more sustainable alternatives to fishmeal; can the fishing industry be part of developing these? These […]
Abstract: The One Ocean Hub can be considered a working prototype oftransformative ocean science for sustainable development, which has beenenabled by UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund. The aim of this policy briefis to share our early experience in, and learning from, co-design and testing ofthe potential of a model for transformative change and the directions […]
Blue Pacific Ocean Report
Hub researchers have contributed to the long-awaited Blue Pacific Ocean Report launched by the Pacific Ocean Commissioner...
The ocean genome and future prospects for conservation and equity
Life has evolved in the ocean for 3.7 billion years, resulting in a rich ocean genome...