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Blue Economy and Investment Law

Blue Economy: Why we should talk about investment law...

Cast Out

The Systematic Exclusion of the Kwazulu Natal Subsistence Fishers from the Fishing Rights Regime in South Africa...

Making ocean literacy inclusive and accessible

Engagement in marine science has historically been the privilege of a small number of people with access to higher education...

A transition to sustainable ocean governance

Human wellbeing relies on the Biosphere, including natural resources provided by ocean ecosystems...

Southern Benguela Ecosystem Model

This paper explores temporal variability in the Southern Benguela ecosystem over the past four decades using a time-dynamic ecosystem model...

European Colonisation, Law, and Indigenous Marine Dispossession

The rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to marine spaces and resources have received some affirmation...

Learning, Living and Leading into Transgression

Three scholar activists from South Africa reflect on what it means to transgress the limits of a neoliberal world...

Poaching of marine living resources: Can the tide be turned?

Certain marine living resources of South Africa are under severe threat from international organised crime syndicates in conjunction with local fishers...

A decade to study deep-sea life

What is required of the deep-sea reach community in the coming decade...