Tides of Knowledge: ocean knowledge co-creation at the science-society-policy nexus

By Dylan McGarry, Elisa Morgera & Kerry Sink

“In this chapter we explore the possibilities for decolonising ocean science through fluid and tidal movements toward ocean knowledge co-creation that is transformative, transdisciplinary and transgressive, and that expands research at the sciencesociety-policy interface. In our experience coordinating and participating in a global transdisciplinary and transgressive ocean governance research network, we considered this approach essential to make progress towards SDG 14.a on increasing scientific knowledge and developing research capacity and marine technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries. SDG14a is, in turn, crucial to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean and its resources by implementing international law (SDG 14.c) and ensuring access to resources for small-scale fishers (SDG 14.b) taking into account the intertwined equity issues in ocean science and policy at different levels (Morgera, 2022). SDG 14a is also crucial to contribute to the realization of other SDGs. This chapter discuss how transformative, transdisciplinary and transgressive ocean research can help transform governance in the light of multiple SDGs, and reflects on the challenges, achievements and lessons learnt in this connection in the context of the One Ocean Hub-an international programme of research for sustainable development, working to promote fair and inclusive decision-making for a healthy ocean whereby people and planet flourish…”

Related SDGs:

  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Life below water