(Re)Launching Our Podcast Series
We are excited to dive back into a series of conversations about various interrelationships of the ocean and humankind.
In our latest podcast, early-career researchers Kirsty McQuaid (University of Plymouth/ South African National Biodiversity Institute) and Mitchell Lennan (University of Aberdeen) are guiding us through the notions of the ocean-climate nexus and human rights, which is the topic of the Hub-led special issue in the International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law journal. They will also tell us a little bit more about their own relationship to the ocean, and how it evolved through time, for we are all, no matter where we’re from, connected to the One ocean.
Stay tuned for our next episode, currently in production, where early-career researchers Mia Strand (Nelson Mandela University) and Sophie Shields (University of Strathclyde) will talk about their work on the importance of the ocean for children’s human rights. We have also lined up future episodes on: gender and the ocean with Buhle Francis (Rhodes University) and Aphiwe Moshani (University of Cape Town) and on transdisciplinarity with Kira Erwin (Durban University of Technology).
In our pilot episode (published in January 2023), Hub researchers, Bolanle Erinosho (University of Cape Coast) and David Wilson (University of Stratchlyde) were talking with host Nkieru Scotcher about the links between customary law, human rights, and the ocean.
We look forward to expanding our podcast series in 2024 and would like to invite partners within the broader Hub network, as well as external collaborators (researchers, artists, activists and policymakers) to suggest ideas or volunteer to take part in a podcast. If you wish to join the conversation and chat with us on all things ocean, please feel free to reach out to the Hub’s Knowledge Exchange Associate – a historian, artist and island enthusiast Milica Prokic (Milica.prokic@strath.ac.uk)
All our podcasts can be found here.
Tune in and let’s make some waves!
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