World Oceans Week 2021: Our programme of events
For second year running, One Ocean Hub is excited to be ‘Proud Friends of United Nations World Oceans Day’ and contribute to the worldwide celebrations and discussions on matters concerning the ocean. This year’s theme, ‘The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods’, will shed light on the wonder of the ocean and how it is our lifesource, supporting humanity and every other organism on earth.
During the World Oceans Week 2021, the Hub hosts the following programme of events on 7-10th of June. Register and join the discussion.
Small-scale fishers and ocean well-being: vital partners in enhancing biocultural diversity, human rights and sustainable livelihoods
7th June, 09.00-10.30 GMT. Register Here
Speakers: Professor Elisa Morgera, the University of Strathclyde; Taryn Pereira Kaplan, Rhodes University; Dr Bolanle Erinosho, the University of Cape Coast; Professor Alex Kanyimba, the University of Namibia; Dr Tapiwa Warikandwa, the University of Namibia; Small-scale Fisher Leaders; Ms Angela Kariuki, the United Nations Environment Programme; Ms Nicole Franz, the Food and Agriculture Organization
intangible cultural ocean heritage and participatory research methods
8th June, 0830-10am. Register Here
Speakers: Mia Strand, Professor Rose Boswell, Dr Nina Rivers and Jessica Thornton, Nelson Mandela University, in partnership with a representative from the fishing cooperative in Algoa Bay
Canoe Culture and Heritage in Ghana
9th June, 12pm-1.30pm GMT. Register Here
Speakers: Dr Georgina Yaa Oduro and Dr John Ansah, the University of Cape Coast; Dr David Wilson, the University of Strathclyde, Professor Rose Boswell, Nelson Mandela University
Inclusive Ocean Conservation: Innovations in Marine Spatial Planning
10th June, 0830-10am GMT. Register Here
Speakers: Dr Denning Metuge, Nelson Mandela University; Dr Holly Niner, the University of Plymouth; Dr Michelle Devlin, CEFAS; Dr Kelly Ortega Cisneros, the University of Cape Town; Dr Kirsty McQuaid, the University of Plymouth.
To learn more about the UN World Oceans Day, visit their website.