Breaking Barriers: Advancing the One Health Agenda with a Focus on Environment
Upcoming Event
Hub Director, Prof Elisa Morgera, has been invited to “Breaking Barriers: Advancing the One Health Agenda with a Focus on Environment,” on 12-13 October 2023 in Berlin, Germany as a speaker to a Breakout Session on the topic of “connecting to policy & legal frameworks.”
The event is organised by: the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, the Quadripartite Collaboration on One Health (The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, the United Nations Environment Programme, The World Health Organisation, the World Organisation for Animal Health), the Wildlife Conservation Society, the German Agency for International Cooperation and the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade.
This event will bring together decision-makers, scientists, and implementers taking action related to the environmental pillar of the One Health approach. Underpins by the Berlin Principles of 2019, the One Health approach reaffirms the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to health and a shared understanding that healthy and intact ecosystems provide a critical foundation for present and future health and wellbeing.
Discussions at the event will draw on insights from the Quadripartite’s One Health Joint Plan of Action and insights from the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP). It will focus on the environmental pillar of a One Health approach and provide a space to review the status of implementation, showcase experiences gained, identify guidance for next steps towards action, and shed light on important topics that seem to receive less attention.
Drawing from the Hub research findings on marine biodiversity and access and benefit sharing Prof Morgera’s intervention will focus on the development of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.
Photo: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)