
In the run-up to COP27, the Hub in partnership with various organisations is co-hosting 15 side-events that are listed below.

If you are attending COP27, please do get in touch with the One Ocean Hub Deputy Director Dr Bernadette Snow and early-career researcher Mitchell Lennan who will be in Sharm el-Sheikh to reinforce and extend partnerships on knowledge co-development and transformative governance at the ocean-climate-human rights nexus. And email us if you wish to meet the Empatheatre team.

Read here about our key messages and ‘asks’ at COP27.

dr bernadette snow, Hub’s deputy director is attending cop27 togehter with hub’s early-career researcher mitchell lennan. photo: berndaette snow

Roundtable: Centering the Ocean on the Agenda at the Ocean x Climate Summit

When: 11th November 2022. 1.30-2.15 pm (Egypt)

Where: Park Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort 58 Gardens Bay Sharm El-Sheikh

Register here

The ocean is our biggest ally in mitigating climate change, but it’s also bearing the brunt of the climate crisis. It’s time the ocean takes center stage in the global agenda to protect our blue planet. Because we live on a blue planet, and it’s time we act like it.

Taking place 11 November 2022 from 10 am- 5 pm EGY at the Park Regency Sharm El-Sheikh, The Ocean X Climate Summit presented by Oceanic Global will immerse global stakeholders in the importance and potential of the ocean within the climate change narrative, and to support more stakeholder action for the ocean and all it sustains.

The Ocean x Climate Summit is presented by Oceanic Global, supported by Salesforce and programmed in partnership with UNESCO IOC and The Ocean Decade.

To encourage a groundswell of support for the ocean at COP, access to The Ocean x Climate Summit is first come, first served and free for all who register. If you are interested in donating to Oceanic Global and our work to protect the ocean and our collective wellbeing please feel free to select a donation range upon registration or donate directly on our website here.

The Ocean x Climate Summit image

— Science, Exploration & Innovations

— Responsible Tourism & The Blue Standard

— Building Resilience with Big Ocean States

— Traditional and Indigenous Wisdom Listening Sessions

— The Future of Blue Carbon

— Financing Ocean Biodiversity

— Roundtable on Centering The Ocean on the Agenda

Ocean Innovation Partnership Dinner

When: Friday, November 11 from 6 – 10 PM (Egypt time)

Where: EXTREME Hangout, the Lawn, Park Regency Hotel, Sharm El Sheikh

Link to event page: HERE

Blue Zone Events

Financing Ocean Science for Climate Action in the framework of the Ocean Decade

When: 12th November 2022,  16.30 – 17.45 (Egypt)

Where: Moroccan Pavilion

A key focus of COP27 will be on tangible actions, partnerships and initiatives – including financing – to implement the commitments made by parties to the UNFCCC with a specific focus on the needs of Africa and Small Island Developing States. Given the central role of the ocean in future climate adaptation and mitigation solutions, and the critical knowledge gaps that persist on the ocean-climate nexus, financing needs for ocean science and knowledge generation and uptake need to be central to this discussion.

The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the Ocean Decade) provides a framework to convene diverse actors in the identification, implementation and resourcing of priority ocean science and knowledge initiatives. The Ocean Decade Africa Roadmap identifies priorities specific to Africa and recognizes the need for a robust enabling environment to be built throughout the Ocean Decade to ensure that actors in Africa and other vulnerable regions have the skills and technology to generate and use ocean science and knowledge needs for climate action.

This side event will explore the challenges faced in financing and supporting ocean science for climate action with a focus on Africa, and present global examples and experience in innovative and diverse financing and resource mobilisation approaches that could be adapted for implementation by diverse partners in Africa in the context of the Ocean Decade.


Alison Clausen, IOC-UNESCO        

Julian Barbiere, Global Coordinator, Ocean Decade,  IOC UNESCO

Kenza Khallafi, Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection the Environment

Dr Bernadette Snow, One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclude

Joseph Langat, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute

Ximena Vega, ECOP

Nicole Trudeau, Global Fund for Coral Reefs

Alexis Grosskopf, OceanHub Africa

Josh Tewkesbury, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Jaco Stemmet, Fugro

Partners: Ocean Decade IOC UNESCO (Lead), Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection the Environment, University of Strathclude, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, ECOP, Global Fund for Coral Reefs, OceanHub Africa, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Fugro.

Ocean and climate frameworks – overview of synergies and discussion on capacity gaps and opportunities

When: 14th November 2022. 13.00-14.00 (Egypt)

Where: COP27 Capacity-building Hub at the Blue Zone, Egypt.

The ocean is an important source of livelihood, food security, economic growth and ecosystem services, including climate regulation and blue carbon, that support human life and the planet. At the same time, as recognized in the World Ocean Assessment, the cumulative impacts of human activities and pressures, including those caused by climate change, are such that the ocean’s carrying capacity is near or at its limit. These impacts have specific gender-related implications, which need to be further understood and addressed.

The many interlinkages between the ocean and climate change are now well documented. More than ever, questions of ocean and climate change governance have to be addressed through multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral solutions based on science, including in the context of cooperative action and multilateral processes. Such solutions must be grounded in the legal frameworks established by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and related instruments, as well as the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement. Indeed, an overall understanding of the UNCLOS framework, its implementing agreements and other relevant international instruments is necessary to appreciate how ocean frameworks can contribute to climate mitigation and adaption goals under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, including by building the resilience of communities and ecosystems to the effects of climate change and by supporting mitigation action. It is also an essential prerequisite for the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular Goals 13 and 14, including the enhancement of sustainable blue economies.

The Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, which is part of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations, serves as Secretariat of UNCLOS and the 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement, supports the work of the UN General Assembly and its subsidiary bodies relating to ocean affairs, as well as the implementation of SDG14. In this context, the Division services a number of inter-governmental processes which have and continue to address the interlinkages between the ocean and climate change, such as the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects, with its World Ocean Assessments, and the Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea. It also provides substantive support to the UN Ocean Conference. In addition, alongside the UN Legal Counsel, the Division acts as focal point for UN-Oceans, the inter-agency coordination mechanism on ocean issues within the United Nations system, which over the years has been very active in relation to the work of its Members on ocean/climate. As part of its mandates, the Division implements a number of capacity-building activities to support States in the implementation of the UNCLOS regime and ocean governance frameworks.  Amongst other issues, these activities address the impacts of climate change on the ocean, the interface between the ocean and climate governance frameworks and the science-policy interface. In training future generations of ocean leaders, these capacity-building activities aim at ensuring gender balance in the selection of participants and raise the awareness of participants of gender-related challenges. 


Ms. Valentina Germani, Senior Legal Officer (Programme Advisor), Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations

Mr. Francois Bailet, Senior Legal Officer, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations

Prof. Ronan Long, Director, WMU-Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute, Nippon Foundation Professorial Chair of Ocean Governance & the Law of the Sea, World Maritime University (WMU)

Ms. Lysa Wini, UN-Nippon Foundation Alumna

Dr Bernadette Snow, Deputy Director – One Ocean Hub

Ms. Angelique Pouponneau

Partners: UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (Lead), World Maritime University

Canoes of ghana. Photo: Nessim stevenson

Lalela uLwandle (Listen to the Sea): Participatory theatre with audience discussion

When:14th November 2022, 17.40-18.40 (Egypt).

Where: COP27 Capacity-building Hub at the Blue Zone, Egypt.

Lalela uLwandle is a participatory methodology developed by a South African collective called Empatheatre, who are part of the One Ocean Hub. Whilst grounded in the South African experience, the inter-generational stories of the sea performed in Lalela uLwandle resonate strongly with an international audience. The play expands our imaginations to listen to a multitude of voices on how we relate to the sea; including the voices of indigenous peoples, small-scale fishing communities, women, and youth. These voices that are often overlooked in ocean policy forums on climate change adaptation and blue economy initiatives. Experiences of exclusion from decision making processes, concerns around the exploitation of natural resources and marine protection, and questions around how to include cultural heritage in policy spaces are shared by many people across the planet. The play offers an invitation to a public conversation on how cultural, scientific and conservation knowledge may, if people learn to listen to each other carefully, find strategic alignment. Within the Empatheatre methodology, the performance is followed by a facilitated public-discussion with researchers, performers, decision-makers and the audience on the themes that emerge from the play. The theatre, story-telling and participatory nature of the event provides an inclusive audience engagement offer, as ocean and climate policy and governance issues are brought to life in ways that spark imagination, debate and active dialogue.  It will enable members of the audience, including those who have never had the opportunity before, to experience a live theatre performance on ocean adaptation and resilience.

Director, actors and facilitators:

Alison Mary, Empatheatre

Phumelephi Mthombeni, Empatheatre

Dylan Kenneth McGarry, Rhodes University

Neil Stewart Coppen, Empatheatre

Marí Stimie, Empatheatre

Rory Booth, Empatheatre

Mitchell Lennan, One Ocean Hub

Partners: Empatheatre, Rhodes University, Durban University of Technology

Photo: Kelly daniels

Ocean-Climate-Society: challenges & opportunities for ocean mitigation, adaptation, finance under the UNFCCC

When: 15th November 2022 at 16:45-18.15 (Egypt)

Where: Room 5, at COP27 Blue Zone, Egypt.

Rising CO2 is impacting ocean ecosystems and dependent coastal communities through multiple climate-related changes to ocean physics, chemistry and biology. The ocean plays a key role in climate but is also a source of adaptation and mitigation actions. This side event will showcase examples of ocean adaptation, including in Africa and Asia-Pacific, and of blue finance and the need for its further expansion, especially for the sustainable development of coastal ecosystems and communities in vulnerable coastal and island nations such as Africa. It will highlight action-driven global scientific collaboration and equitably with local communities in helping to understand and manage the challenges placed on the marine ecosystems and so improve sustainable development. The session will explore the summary of the mandated UN Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue for ocean integration into the UNFCCC processes.


Steve Widdicombe (Co-Chair, Global Ocean Acidification-Observing Network)

Hon. Derek Klazen, the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Namibia –

Hon. Peter Thomson – UN Secretary General Special Envoy for the Ocean 

Sarah Cooley, Ocean Conservancy and IPCC AR6 Ocean Chapter Lead Author

Tarub Bahri, FAO Fisheries Division

Dr David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Environment

Lisa Schindler Murray, Nairobi Work Programme’s Expert Group on Oceans

Ana Queiros, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Dr Bernadette Snow, Deputy Director of One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde

Daniel Crockett, Blue Marine Foundation

Kevin Horsburgh, Green Climate Fund

Katharine Palmer,  Shipping Lead, Climate Champions

Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, IOC-UNESCO

Dr Joanna Post, UNFCCC Secretariat

External Partners: Plymouth Marine Laboratory (lead), Global Ocean Acidification-Observing Network; Ocean Conservancy, FAO, Blue Marine Foundation,, Rare, Nairobi WP, Plymouth Marine Lab, GCF, IPCC, Shipping Lead – Climate Champions, IOC UNESCO, UN Special Rapp. Human Rights & Env, UNFCCC Secretariat. 

artwork: margherita brunori

Advancing human rights standards in nature-based solutions: lessons from land to sea

When: 16th November 10.05-10.55 (Egypt)

Where: COP27 Children and Youth Pavilion at the Blue Zone, Egypt

This session focuses on biodiversity finance and the ocean-climate-human rights nexus. It will platform young voices on climate mitigation and adaptation nature-based solutions. We ask what lessons can be learned from nature-based solutions in promoting and protecting children’s rights as attention on ocean-based climate action grows.


Mitchell Lennan, One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde

Mara Ghilan, LSE, Global Youth Ambassador (GAUC), YOUNGO

Alutha Botha from Nombulelo High School in Makhanda, South Africa, supported by
Ms Mia Strand, Nelson Mandela University and Ms Nozipiwo Hambaze from South
African Environmental Observation Network

Camila Awo Dzidzor from Keta, a coastal fishing community in Volta Region of Ghana supported by Dr Bolanle Erinosho, University of Cape Coast, Dr Harrison Golo, University of Education and Dr Ibrahim Sulley, Conflict Research Network West Africa – Ghana Office. 

A Child Advisor to UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Greenland, supported by Katie Reid, terre des hommes.

A Child Advisor to UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Samoa, supported by Katie Reid, terre des hommes.

Sudha Kottillil, Global Youth Biodiversity Network, India.

Mark Haver, Sustainable Ocean Alliance, USA.

Cassia Patel, Oceanic Global, USA.

Emilie McGlone, Peace Boat, USA

Dr Bernadette Snow, One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde, UK.

Dr David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur on the Environment and Human Rights. Kayleigh Murray, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Emily Lord, Columbia University, US

Arimiyaw Saasi, Sciences Po, Ghana

Octavio Martin, Imperial College, France

Nick Robins, Professor in Practice for Sustainable Finance, Grantham Research Institute, LSE, UK

Emily McKenzie, Technical Director, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial

Disclosures (TNFD), UK

Partners:  Nelson Mandela University, University of Cape Coast, University of Education, Conflict Research Network West Africa – Ghana Office.  LSE, Global Youth Ambassador (GAUC), YOUNGO, terre des hommes, Global Youth Biodiversity Network, Sustainable Ocean Alliance, Oceanic Global, Peace Boat, UN Special Rapporteur on the Environment and Human Rights, Stellenbosch University, Columbia University, Sciences Po, Imperial College, Grantham Research Institute, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), UK.

artwork: margherita brunori

One Health, the Ocean, and Climate Change

When: 16th November, 11.30-12.45 (Egypt)

Where: COP27 Health Pavilion at the Blue Zone, Egypt

Live streamed:

The roundtable is aimed to introduce the interlinkages between One Health, the ocean, and climate change and explore the environmental law and policy dimensions of One Health and the link to the SDGs. Examples such as the development of a One Health AMR (antimicrobial resistance) Legal Assessment Tool to be developed by FAO, OIE and WHO or a One Health project funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (One Health in practice in Southeast Asia : Zoonoses and socio-environmental changes: OneHealthSEA 2021 – 2022), which includes the development of a training part for students and civil servants in an environmental law perspective or a session on One Health and the ocean during the Science Summit UNGA77 (resp. C. Lajaunie), will illustrate some transformative governance process and changes. The mental health impacts of changes to oceans and fish populations will also be raised by speakers with lived experience from the Land Body Ecologies network. Further, the roundtable will explore the research coming from the One Ocean Hub which can contribute to the discussion regarding ocean biodiversity and biodiscovery and impacts of marine plastic pollution for health and climate change. It will include screening of a short film on marine biodiscovery produced and narrated by Professor Rosemary Dorrington (Rhodes University, South Africa) and Jazz Conway (University of Plymouth, UK).


Dr Bernadette Snow, Snow, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa & One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde, UK

Dr Claire Lajaunie, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), France and the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance, University of Strathclyde, UK.

Dr Pierre Mazzega, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France and the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance, University of Strathclyde, UK. Professor Rachel Wynberg, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Dr Jessica Lavelle, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Professor Mathew Upton, University of Plymouth, UK

Jenni Laiti, Land Body Ecologies

Abou Saine, Gambian fisherman and Activist

Dr Edem Mahu, University of Ghana, Ghana

Dr Karina Von Schuckmann, Mercator Ocean International

Ms Tarub Bahri, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Ms Catalina Pizarro, Associate Legal Officer, United Nations Environment Programme

Partners: Nelson Mandela University, University of Strathclyde, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance at the University of Strathclyde, University of Cape Town, South Africa, University of Plymouth, Land Body Ecologies, University of Ghana, Mercator Ocean International, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Environment Programme.


When: 17th November, 10.00- 10.55 (Egypt)

Where: COP27 Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion in the Blue Zone, Egypt.

This session presents Netai en Namou Toc (Stories of Mother Ocean), a newly published illustrated children’s book produced by the Erromango Cultural Association in collaboration with One Ocean Hub’s Deep Emotional Engagement Programme (DEEP) Fund. The book harnesses the rich artistic and cultural heritage of Erromango, a southern island of Vanuatu, to record, preserve and promote indigenous knowledge, custom stories and oral histories relating to the ocean.

As Pacific Island States mitigate unprecedented oceanic damage and loss, the session champions the importance of intergenerational traditional knowledge transmission to empower youth and bolster resilience. Bringing together representatives from academia, civil society and government, the session advocates community-based art practice as an inclusive research methodology that provides opportunity for equitable participation of grassroots organisations who are often excluded from international dialogue and debate about ocean policies.  

The pressing need to include diverse knowledge systems in strategies of adaptation is advocated, as is the role of intangible heritage to assert cultural rights to environmental ecosystems. Against a backdrop of sea level rise, ocean acidification and prospective deep-sea mining, the session advances arguments for the incorporation of Pacific knowledge in national, regional and international policies to ensure ocean sustainability and posterity.


Dr Lisa McDonald, Post-Doctoral Research Associate (One Ocean Hub), Glasgow School of Art, UK

Prof. Stuart Jeffrey, Professor of Digital Heritage, Glasgow School of Art, UK

Anna Naupa, Secretary, Erromango Cultural Association, Vanuatu

Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Member of Parliament, Vanuatu

John Ruben, PSO Research and Development, Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department

Partners: Glasgow School of Art, University of Strathclyde, Erromango Cultural Association, Vanuatu; Graon mo Jastis Pati (Ground and Justice Party), Vanuatu; and Vanuatu Cultural Centre, Vanuatu.

Deep Ocean, the Decade, and Climate Change: Mitigation, Impacts, Adaptation, and Interventions

When: Nov. 17. Time: 9:00-10:15 AM

Where: COP27 Ocean Pavilion in the Blue Zone, Egypt

More details to follow

artwork: margherita brunori

Climate COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion

We are hosting three events for COP27 Ocean Pavilion focusing on traditional knowledge, small-scale fisheries and ecosystem services

The Hub is a co-organiser of the Climate COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion for the second year running. This online platform is dedicated to raising the visibility of the ocean and showcasing why the ocean matters in climate negotiations and to all life on our planet. It aims to increase knowledge, commitment and action for the ocean-climate nexus during and at key events in the run up to the UN Climate Conference (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt this November. The Virtual Ocean Pavilion is coordinated by Global Ocean Forum in collaboration with various collaborating partners such as the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UNESCO, and the Plymouth Marine Laboratory to mention a few.

Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Knowledge, and Ocean-Climate Action 

When: 10th Nov 2022, 9-10:30 AM Egypt or 7-8.30 GMT.

Where: COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion

The UN has declared the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to support the role and contribution of different knowledge systems, including indigenous and traditional knowledge, to drive ocean-climate action. Traditional knowledge and intangible heritage that have been developed over thousands of years have sustained and supported human’s connection to the ocean. Ocean-climate action will remain limited in their approaches if traditional knowledge and their knowledge holders remains marginalised from the international and national dialogue that define the future of our ocean and climate. This panel will explore ways to overcome this barrier by engaging traditional knowledge holders from Namibia, Ghana and South Africa that have taken part in or are taking part in research projects – exploring how different project methodologies can bridge the gap traditional knowledge, intangible ocean heritage, and climate action.


Co-researcher from the Algoa Bay project, South Africa

A representative from the Topnaar community, Namibia

Fish trader, Ghana

Symphorien Nihala Maniry Soa, Blue Ventures, Madagascar

Partners: Blue Ventures, University of Strathclyde, Nelson Mandela University, University of Cape Coast, University of Namibia

Fostering cooperation among relevant UN bodies to advance small-scale fishers’ human rights in the face of climate change

When: 14th November 2022, 11 AM-12:30 PM Egypt or 9 am -10.30 am GMT.

Where: COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion

At the global scale, small-scale fisheries contribute to nearly half the world’s seafood and employs around 90 per cent of the world’s fishers, playing a critical role in food security, nutrition, and livelihood. Natural disasters and weather fluctuation caused by climate change are already causing large-scale shock to the sector and negatively affecting the livelihoods and cultures of small-scale fishers, fish workers, and their communities.  At the same time, climate adaptation and mitigation measures that are implemented with little to no consultation with small-scale fishers also raise problems in terms of their access to resources, food and nutrition security, livelihoods and social justice. These ocean-climate-human rights issues have yet received sufficient attention in the policy debates on transforming ocean governance. 2022 is the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) and represents an opportunity to raise awareness on the human rights of small-scale fishers and fish workers and on the importance of adopting specific national laws, public policies and programs to enable them to operate in a sustainable manner. This panel will bring together small-scale fisher representatives, researchers, and representatives from different UN bodies to exchange ideas and experiences on the needs and opportunities to ensure the full realization of small-scale fishers’ human rights in the face of a changing climate. It will explore common areas of concern, mutual objectives, and areas for improved collaboration among participants for synergistic international supports to improve small-scale fishers’ resilience at the ocean-climate nexus.


Dr Bolanle Erinosho (University of Cape Coast, Ghana),  Dr Philile Mbatha (University of Cape Town), Dr Tapiwa Warikandwa (University of Namibia, Namibia) – joint presentation

Ms Kate Cook, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation

Ms Stefania Tripodi, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Dr. Soo-Young Hwang, UN Environment Programme

One or two small-scale fisher representatives

Partners: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Climate Change and Ecosystem Services in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

When: 16th November 2022, 1-2:30 PM (Egypt)

Where: COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion

The high seas cover 40 per cent of the Earth’s surface. They account for  64 per cent of the surface of the ocean and nearly 95 per cent of its volume (see Prip, 2021). Despite their remoteness, these regions are integral to the delivery of global ocean processes that enable humanity to thrive. They host a major proportion of the world’s biodiversity valued for the vast range of ecosystem services it provides. Biodiversity can act as an insurance policy against ecosystem service loss driven by climatic changes, imparting resilience that can allow the system to adapt. However, biodiversity is not immune to the pressures of climate change and its protection requires the ‘climate responsive’ governance of areas beyond national jurisdiction to prevent its degradation.

At COP26 in November 2021, the ocean was officially integrated into all areas of work at the UNFCCC for the first time. On that basis, this panel focuses on the nexus of climate change and marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, and the implications for critical ecosystem services. In particular the panel will explore the extent to which this inclusion can facilitate harmonisation between various actors and beneficiaries of ecosystem services in the governance of areas beyond national jurisdiction. 


Dr Holly Niner, One Ocean Hub, University of Plymouth, UK

Ms Valentina Germani, United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea

Dr Alana Lancaster, University of the West Indies, Barbados

Dr Aurelie Spadone, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Partners: UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, IUCN (TBC)

artwork: dylan mcgarry

COP27 VOP High-Level Closing Event: Raising Ambition, Action, Finance, and Unity in ocean-based mitigation and adaptation

When: 16th November 5-6:30 PM Egypt.

Where: COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion

Partners: Global Ocean Forum (Lead); Plymouth Marine Laboratory, The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO); Ocean & Climate Platform, The Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS).

Film sessions at COP27

Hub films will be screened in the COP27 Blue Zone and Green Zone

  1. Indlela Yokuphila” (not officially launched) and “Indigenous People and the Ocean” here  will be shown at TD8: Inclusion: Accelerating Youth, Indigenous and Gender action on Climate and Water on 16th November at COP27 Blue Zone.

Through partnership with United by the Sea, web-based tv channel will show One Ocean Hub films listed below at COP27 Green Zone:

  1. Ocean & Women here 
  2. Indigenous Peoples & the Ocean here
  3. The Menace of Ocean Plastics  here.
  4. A video of remarks by Camilla Awo Dzidzor, a representative of children from Keta Municipality in Ghana will be screened before a panel discussion on “Building Resilience: Localized Action Against a Changing Climate” at the Ocean x Climate Summit organised by Oceanic Global on 11th November 2022 at Park Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort 58 Gardens Bay Sharm El-Sheikh. For more information see here.
screenshot, ‘ocean & women’ film. source: one ocean hub youtube channel

Children, youth, and climate change

As part of children rights coalition group, the Hub has supported two documents:

  1. A COP fit for Children: How to support children’s participation
  2. Incorporating Children’s Rights into Climate Action

The Hub has been invited to speak at three pre-COP27 events:

  • Incorporating Child Rights at COP27: Briefing for Climate Negotiators by the members of the Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI), 19th October 2022 and 1st Pre-COP Meeting Children and Climate Change Event on 25th October 2022 at 10:30 am to 12:00 pm (Pacific Time). Register here.. At these events shared CERI position paper and Hub Director Prof Elisa Morgera and Hub early career researcher, Mitchell Lennan presented why ocean is important and asks for Champion Parties at COP 27.
  • Require the explicit consideration of children’s rights in relation to all aspects of

ocean-based actions (including an assessment of blue carbon initiatives,

adaptation and loss and damage), incorporating guidance from

the forthcoming General Comment on child rights and the environment

with a special focus on climate change, being prepared by the UNCRC.

  • Develop guidelines on ocean-based adaptation approaches under the Global Goal on

Adaptation, notably on fisheries and climate change, to strengthen

resilience, limit losses and protect and uphold children’s rights.

  • Explore how action and support with respect to adaptation and loss and

damage can be operationalised to limit the ecological and human rights

impacts of ocean acidification on children’s rights.

  • Child led event “No COP Out” on 4th November 2022. The event is organised by PRATYeK, a registered organisation with ECOSOC status that attempts to engage young people in varied conversations around child rights and earth rights. Sophie Shields is invited to comment on children’s recommendations on ‘ecological rights for children’ (see the recommendations here). During her 3 minutes intervention Sophie will be asked to share her input/focus in the coming COP 27, response to 10 children, and ideas regarding the ecological right of children.
Boys fishing in south africa. photo: casey pratt

PRE-COP EVENTS (recordings available)

Africa Climate Week and COP27

The Hub participated in two events during Africa Climate Week that took place between 29th  August and 1st September 2022 in Libreville, Gabon. The UNFCCC co-hosted the event along with the Gabonese Republic. The Africa Climate Week brought together a broad range of stakeholders to drive climate action across countries, communities, and economies.

‘Ocean and Climate Action: Adaptation and Resilience Practices and Tools Clinic’, 30th August 2022, COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion live-event for Africa Climate Week

The event was co-organised by the Global Ocean Forum, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and One Ocean Hub as an interactive training and experience-sharing session during which experts discuss innovative ocean-based climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives with attendees. During the event, lessons were identified and reviewed with the attendees, including possible pathways for improvement. Panelist at the event included Dr. Indumathie Hewawasam, Global Ocean Forum; Dr. Nayrah Shaltout, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt; Dr. Flower Msuya, Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster Initiative (ZaSCI) and the Hub Deputy Director, Dr Bernadette Snow (University of Strathclyde, UK and Nelson Mandela University, South Africa).

At the event Dr Snow provided an overview of Hub research in Algoa Bay (South Africa), including a restoration initiative undertaken by a PhD candidate. The process and considerations required for success of the ecosystem restoration were discussed. These include considering urban drainage systems, biomimicry, inclusive decision making and tools for monitoring.  Dr Snow stressed that it is essential to take an inclusive approach when tackling climate change because inclusivity links to stewardship. Inclusion brings in lived realities and local solutions for climate impact adaptation. It also enables different stakeholders to work together to foster resilience in the face of increased natural disasters.  Dr Snow further noted that ecosystem restoration is an important approach to tackle climate change because ecosystems provide essential services, both at the local and global level. Many essential ecosystems such as rivers, estuaries, coastlines are severely impacted by increasing urbanization, pollution, ecosystem destruction and therefore weakening natural sources of protection against severe climate impacts. Restoring these ecosystems, build resilience, and if designed right tackles poverty and human health issues.

Key messages from Dr Snow presentation and engagement with audience at the event are listed below:

  • The climate ocean nexus needs to be included in climate discussions, mitigation and adaptation strategies.
  • Blue carbon habitats are essential. Restoration is the tool in the toolbox for climate change mitigation and to build resilience.
  • It is important to bring in local knowledge and experience in the ecosystem restoration processes
  • Inclusive process is needed if we want to see the long-term benefits of ecosystem restoration, particularly to ensure the initiative can be useful for saving costs and mitigate damage.
  • Human activities on land such as raw sewage discharge and plastic pollutions bring negative implications on ocean health and negatively affected local communities who are most dependent on ocean. This shows interconnection between land and ocean ecosystems and social and environmental impacts.
  • A gap we need to strengthening uptake and how restoration can measurably contribute towards job creation – upscaling and easier uptake by decision makers through policy frameworks

The recording of the event can be accessed here.

UNFCCC Africa Climate Week Session 6: Harnessing nature for transformative adaptation in Africa, 31st August 2022.

Dr Bernadette Snow was invited by Mr James Grabert, Director of the Mitigation Division of UNFCCC and Lead of the Regional Climate Weeks to participate as a speaker in session 6 titled: Harnessing nature for transformative adaptation in Africa. This session brought together various speakers including Ms. Doreen Nyanjura, Deputy Lord Mayor, Kampala, Uganda; Dr. Meggan Spires, Director of Climate Change, Energy & Resilience, ICLEI Africa; Ms. Alice Estelle Nkongo Nchare, Technical Assistant, Africa Climate Change Adaptation Technical Assistant – WWF Cameroon; Mr. Roland Hunter, Senior Sourcing Manager – Nature-based Solutions, Africa; Mr. Richard Matey, Executive DirectorAlliance for Empowering Rural Communities;  Harrison Nnoko Ngaaje, Co-founder and Executive President, NGO – Nature Based Solutions to discuss the potential for nature-based solutions and their enabling environment in Africa in light of its anticipated benefits for transformative adaptation and long-term resilience in Africa.

At the event Dr Snow explored how best can the gaps between research and practice for nature-based solutions be bridged to facilitate transformative adaptation and resilience in Africa? – To what extent are the limits to nature-based solutions and cost-benefit analyses known and what potential do they have to inform the integration of nature-based solutions into planning and implementation? 

Key messages from Dr Snow’s intervention and engagement with the audience are listed below.

  • We need to ensure that different knowledge systems are included in the research process to address gaps between research and practice for nature-based solutions.
  • The co-production of research between researchers and stakeholders is the way to introduce and transform nature-based solutions.
  • Co-production needs novel methodologies such as arts based participatory methodologies, an innovative way for inclusion of stakeholders that are often marginalized in decision making process in climate adaptation and mitigation and for discovering new pathways to develop nature-based solutions.
  • It is important to unpack the inherent and intangible value of nature to people that is often overlooked in discussion on climate resilience, adaptation, and mitigation.

The recording of the event can be accessed here (FR) and here (ENG).

Read about our COP26 events, highlights and key messages here