
learning pathway on: Access to ocean data – equity and human rights dimensions
“We know more about outer space than we do about the ocean” – is a common, and very true, refrain. Access to ocean data is essential for understanding how healthy is the ocean, how effective our efforts are to protect it and use sustainably its resources, and how many benefits humanity and the planet derive from the ocean, […]
Learning pathway on: Learning from communities and respecting their knowledge
There is growing international recognition of, and interest in, the distinctive contributions of the knowledge of indigenous peoples and other communities to the realization of various international objectives, such as the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean, the protection of health and the availability of food. That said, “modern” or “western” science still tends […]
Enabling Transformative Biodiversity Governance in the Post-2020 Era
“Enabling Transformative Biodiversity Governance in the Post-2020 Era” in Visseren-Hamakers, I.J. and M. KoK (eds), Transforming Biodiversity Governance (Cambridge University Press, 2022) 341-360 The whole book is available open access here.
Transformative Governance for Ocean Biodiversity
“Transformative Governance for Ocean Biodiversity” in Visseren-Hamakers, I.J. and M. KoK (eds), Transforming Biodiversity Governance (Cambridge University Press, 2022) 313-338
unpacking a human rights-based approach to small-scale fisheries:
Unpacking a human rights-based approach to small-scale fisheries: How the integrated protection of substantive and procedural human rights can contribute to achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals Key messages: Implementing the SSF Guidelines in accordance with the human rights-based approach means ensuring the protection and promotion of the procedural and substantive rights of small-scale fishers, fishworkers […]
Capacity development in the Ocean Decade and beyond: Key questions about meanings, motivations, pathways, and measurements
“Capacity development is a major priority in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the Decade). Persistent disparities in ocean science capacity illustrate the substantial challenges to achieving the Decade’s stated goal of eradicating inequality. We argue that a new conversation about capacity development is essential for the success of the Decade […]
A Seismic Shift: A coalition of fishing communities, activists and lawyers has come together to keep the coasts and oceans of South Africa free of the destructive Blue Economy agenda
“A Seismic Shift: A coalition of fishing communities, activists and lawyers has come together to keep the coasts and oceans of South Africa free of the destructive Blue Economy agenda” in Samudra, March, No.87, pp.4-7, ISSN 0973-1121 by Jackie Sunde.
Environmental Justice in the Ocean
“Environmental justice refers broadly to the distribution of environmental benefits and burdens, and the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in environmental decisionmaking and legal frameworks. The field of environmental justice initially developed out of a concern for the disproportionate distribution and impacts of environmental pollution and hazardous waste disposal on groups that […]
Challenges and Solutions to develop capacity for Deep-sea Research and Management in South Africa
“The deep sea in South Africa remains poorly studied with insufficient information to underpin the soundenvironmental management needed to support an expanding ocean economy. Many other countries face similar challenges in developing sustainable ocean economies and there are new global efforts calling for more inclusive and equitable deep-sea science and management. There are frequent requests […]