human rights
Hub early-career researchers shortlisted in the ‘Heroes’ category of the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards
The inter-disciplinary team of 37 Hub early-career researchers (ECRs) are recognised for their efforts in ‘working on ground-breaking and innovative approaches towards the goal of inclusive and equitable ocean governance, whereby people and the environment can flourish.’ “The Hub’s ECRs combine passion and creativity with academic rigour in their research, using innovative participatory methods that […]
New Learning Pathway on the One Ocean Learn Platform
Together with UNITAR our international, interdisciplinary group of leading experts in the ocean governance have carefully crafted new learning pathways Gender and the ocean Gender plays a crucial role in understanding and addressing the complex relationship between humanity and the ocean. Our learning pathway on gender and ocean, developed by Sarh Cummings (UNITAR) and Aphiwe […]
Better understanding the negative impacts of international investment law for human rights and the environment
The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, and the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights have raised the alarm about the negative impacts on the environment and on human rights of foreign investment in offshore energy projects, deep-seabed mining and other blue economy initiatives, relying on evidence provided by the […]
Breaking Barriers around One Health
The Hub was invited to share transferable findings from legal, inter- and trans-disciplinary research on human rights, equity and human/planetary health at an international, invitation-only workshop “Breaking Barriers: Advancing the One Health Agenda with a Focus on Environment” (12-13 October, Berlin, Germany). The event was organised by the German Federal Ministries of Economic Cooperation and […]
Spotlight on early-career researchers: sophie shields
My name is Sophie Shields, and I am an early-career researcher from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. My research with the Hub focuses on interlinkages and intersections between children’s human rights and the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment, including a healthy ocean. I am particularly interested in participatory human rights approaches and […]
Ensuring sufficient attention to the link between the ocean, climate change and the right to food
The Hub’s written submission on the impacts of climate change on the human right to food in the context of ocean governance has been included in the UN Secretary-General’s Report on “Adverse impact of climate change on the full realisation of the right to food” (A/HRC/53/47). The Hub submission aimed to ensure that enough attention […]
Exploring opportunities for the scientific community from the BBNJ Agreement
What are the implications and opportunities for the scientific community arising from the international agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement)? An informal roundtable organised by the Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) addressed this question on 1 June 2023, on the side-lines of the International Symposium […]
Join Hub panels at the Winter / Summer School on Human Rights & the Environment
Organised by the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment & the United Nations Environment Programme For the third year running, the One Ocean Hub continues to collaborate with the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to co-organise a series of panels for their […]
Empty or livelihood space? Changing narratives about the ocean space and ocean defenders in the roll out of Blue Economy plans
What can we learn from governments’ implementation of Blue Economy policies in relation to coastal communities? To what extent are they recognising ocean defenders as environmental human rights defenders? As a follow up to the Hub’s engagement with the Winter/Summer School on Human Rights and the Environment in 2021 and 2022 and at World Oceans […]